Home / Mrs. Hooper’s Yearbook Syllabus


Yearbook Policies Fall 2020

Welcome to yearbook! I’m excited to see the unique and creative book you and your cohorts will design. Remember the importance of your job in this class: to produce a book that your peers and your community can take pride in. 


Contact me through email (bsanderson@haywood.k12.nc.us) or Remind. I’m here to help you, so please ask!

Remind: TEXT the number: 81010

TEXT the message: @ed6e4k

Sign up for Remind before Sunday, August 9 to receive info about Monday’s class!


Once we have decided as a class on a book theme, cover, and the common stylistic elements of the book, we will break up the book in order to complete it. You will be working in small groups to complete page assignments. We will do some initial assessments to discover your strengths so that we can group accordingly. Some of the skills we will be building include leadership skills, journalistic skills, business skills and technology skills. 

Once your small groups have been established, your group will be working to complete a number of page spreads (spread = 2 side by side pages in a book). Each group member will have specific jobs for each spread. Your grade will be based on your individual work as well as your group’s completion of page spreads. So, this is very much a team approach – we need each other in order to be successful! Ask others for help and guidance. Look out for each other and support your team.

Team Calendars and Member Jobs

Once your group has been established and your pages have been assigned, we will build a calendar with our entire team in order to meet the assigned deadlines. You will receive a group grade for the spread assignment (counts 1 times) and you will receive an individual grade for your job on that spread (counts 2 times).  You will have 4 submission deadlines. Your group will designate what spreads will be submitted on each deadline.

Deadline 1: September 30, 3 spreads due (you will receive 1 group grade for each spread, and one individual grade for each spread)

Deadline 2: November 1, 3 spreads due

Deadline 3: December 2, 3 spreads due

Deadline 4: December 13, Final Check

Your group will also be assigned a list of businesses. You will work together to reach out to each of these businesses and attempt to sell a yearbook ad. You are graded on contacting and following through with each business, not on whether or not you successfully sell an ad. You will receive a group grade for business ad sales (counts 3 times).

Deadline 1: September 30 (half of your team’s ads finalized in spreadsheet)

Deadline 2: October 24 (final team ads finalized in spreadsheet)

Please let me know if you have any questions! I’m looking forward to an amazing class and an amazing book!



Upcoming Events

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HEC - Last Student Day
May 20, 2024
HEC - Mandatory Teacher Workday
May 21, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 22, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 23, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 24, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 27, 2024
HEC - Annual Leave Day
May 28, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 29, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 30, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
May 31, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday
June 3, 2024
HEC - Optional Teacher Workday