Home / Mr. Allison’s Honors Biology/Honors Chemistry/Biology Lab (paired with Bio 111) Syllabus


Syllabus: (Remote Learning) Biology/Chemistry

Teacher:  Mr. Robert Allison

Welcome to my class:

Biology and Chemistry

 It is my hope that we will be able to successfully navigate this course at an honors level virtually and hybrid.  I know that the day to day tasks may be different due to our circumstances but I believe this is an opportunity to discover and create new ideas and share them with our peers in a virtual or reduced setting.  It is true that we are in a time that will be remembered for generations to come and will be known to some greater extent as the “birth of virtual education”.  The fun is knowing that we are truly at the start of something new.  It is exciting to imagine the innovations that will emerge from the pressures of the Coronavirus.  

Virtual Considerations:

It is required that you participate in class functions from home just as you would during a regular school day.  I am asking all students to enable their video while participating in class Meets.  This means that the teacher and peers will be able to see each other and better interact while discussing topics or troubleshooting issues.  I strongly recommend being able to move about, present or demonstrate.  This said; it may be wise to not attend class from bed or during a meal.  Please try and reserve other activities for a time when you are not in attendance.  Unless otherwise stated, we will be on a fully synchronous schedule regardless of physical distance.

What the class is all about:


We will discuss all fundamental aspects of Biology with Honors rigor.  Some of the topics include but are not limited to; Cell structure and function, Genetics, Evolution, Ecology….


We will explore the wide array of the chemical, physical and nuclear components of our world. We will experiment with chemicals with predicted and calculated results. We will apply math in the scientific and chemical world while meeting the NC standards with honors rigor.

Google Classroom Join Code:  You should already have Google Classroom set up for my class. Please check this NOW for important information.

Remind Codes

1st Period Chemistry: Send a text to 81010 and text this message @372hc6e679

2nd Period Biology: Send a text to 81010 and text this message @g4fdf9ck2b

3rd Period Science Elective: Send a text to 81010 and text this message @khh62h4g3b

Attendance will be taken during our scheduled Google Meet sessions.  We will be attending class during scheduled times that should not interfere with other scheduled Meets.


Assignments will be due on Thursdays for the week.  I will post grades in PowerSchool on Fridays.  

We will be completing a variety of types of assignments including:  Small group Google Meets (Break-out rooms), Research projects, home based labs (both indoors and outdoors), creative modeling, and presentations.  Yes, we will also have annotations, critical thinking discussions, and Exams

 Assignment types:

Section Exams

Reading Annotations/Summaries;  based on the 2e text as well as other online resources

Class Note; based on my lecture and discussions during our scheduled meets

Discussion questions 


Further adjustments will likely be made to grading and assignment values as our semester unfolds.  The above list is relative to the values of the assignment types meaning Exams are worth the most and generally projects/labs will be graded with least value.


 OpenStax App.  Biology 2e/Chemistry 2e  Be sure you can access this book.

Google Classroom





During this uncertain time we will all be following the latest guidance handed down by our local governments. Please be prepared by visiting our school and county website regularly and staying tuned to your classes for updates. 



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